Almost everyone has or will experience some form of a back problem in their lifetime. Back problems are usually accompanied by a slight irritating or completely debilitating pain. Whatever the intensity of pain you are suffering, mild, acute or chronic, the important thing is that it can severely impact your quality of life if not treated on time.
The most common causes of back problems include disc bulges and herniation, misaligned vertebral column, tendon or ligament strains, muscular sprains, stress, arthritis, obesity, and kidney stones. All these problems need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to avoid long term back problems. Jacksonville chiropractic professionals are trained to diagnose these problems and help you get the right treatment for your back related issues.
Atlas orthogonal chiropractic is a specialized form of chiropractic treatment. It is a safe and painless treatment used to stimulate the natural healing properties of the body and restore body balance. Atlas orthogonal chiropractic doesn't involve those cracking or twisting manipulations like standard chiropractic therapy. Atlas orthogonal professionals safely correct your spine to boost the ability of your body to heal itself and to restore body balance. Atlas orthogonal chiropractic is an effective treatment to relieve your discomfort and pain due to back-related medical issues and promote better well-being.
Our back is formed of bones, muscles, discs, ligaments, and tendons. The relationship of your head and cervical spine to the atlas vertebra contributes to the entire balance and tension of your overall spine. It can affect many functions of your nervous system. Thus, the proper alignment of atlas can help with all spine or back problems by improving spine health and correcting the spinal misalignments. Atlas orthogonal chiropractic is a non-manipulative technique focused on remedying the atlas bone. Proper alignment of atlas stabilizes the spine. Atlas bone acts like master bone in the spine and controls all other 23 vertebrae of the spine. It allows the nervous system to transfer the healing signals to the body accurately.
Atlas orthogonal chiropractic uses gentle percussion sound waves to align the atlas bone properly without creating stress on the spine. This technique relieves nerve compression and boosts healing. The misalignment of atlas vertebra is pointed out by 3D digital x-rays which also help determine the shifts of atlas from its normal position. It involves a precision instrument to restore the original structure and function of vertebrae. This instrument effectively achieves postural restoration without any manipulation or surgery. This treatment helps deal with back problems caused by spinal misalignments. After the therapy patients generally experience some recovery-related symptoms as their body responds to corrections.
Misaligned atlas or atlas subluxation may cause pain or discomfort to knees, hips, pelvis, shoulders, back, neck and ankles. Atlas orthogonal chiropractic treatment can help relieve many back problems related symptoms. It supports the body heal range of back issues naturally. Spinal misalignments block the communication system between your body and brain causing stress, pain, and tension. This pain, stress, and anxiety associated with cervical spine complications can affect the physical and mental activity of the patient. Proper spinal and atlas bone corrections can be the best solution for all back related problems.
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