Friday, May 31, 2019

5 Signs When To See a Chiropractor During Back and Neck Pain

Neck and back pain are often underestimated stating that it is common but it needs medical attention. These pains can affect your daily physical movements and work, making you less efficient. A minor neck or back pain can be deadly. If the pain lasts for too long, it’s time to run to the chiropractor.

Chiropractors use advanced and gentle instruments to combat pain. This treatment is painless that includes safe spinal corrections. Back and neck pain centers focus on maintaining body balance by correcting the upper cervical spine.

This article brings to you 5 signs wherein you definitely need treatment.

1. Back and neck pain accompanied by fever

If you have a stiff neck pain and backaches adjourned with fever then there might be chances of infections. If you don't visit the doctor on time, it may get severe causing inflammation in the brain. Don't wait it gets life-threatening! #Don’t suffer...React!

2. Such pains are experienced by people over 50 years of age

People who are of 50 years or above are more prone to back pains. This is common among women. Several researchers have revealed that women suffering from back pains are more than men. If your pain continues, then visit your nearby back and neck pain center.

3. It can be cancer too!

Back pain can be a warning sign for colon or ovary cancer. Yes! You heard that right! As cancer grows inside the body, it puts pressure on other organs, nerves, blood vessels that may lead to back pain. This is an indication that cancer has begun to spread.

4. Any major or minor trauma

If you have met with an accident or a fall, it is mandatory to visit the chiropractor as soon as possible. In some cases, you might ignore citing it as minor pain, but it can be dangerous in later stages.

Also, people with poor sitting postures or sleeping habits are prone to suffer from backaches.

5. Severe pain and numbness felt in the leg

If you feel pain radiation from one leg to another, then you might be suffering from sciatica. It is a back caused due to the sciatic nerve, this large nerve run from the lower back to the back of each leg.

#Don’t suffer... react!

If your pain resists for more than 3-4 weeks, then visit your chiropractor soon. If not, then it may turn chronic and worsen the pain. Using the atlas orthogonal chiropractic technique, you can get rid of pain without any pain or medications. So, are you ready to run to your chiropractor now?

Chiropractors at Physical Healthcare of Jacksonville use gentle treatment to align your spine. The back and neck pain center aim towards improving your balance problems, back, and neck pain by treating the source of pain for a long-term effect.

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